/** * Copyright (c) 2024 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. * This file is a part of the CANN Open Software. * Licensed under CANN Open Software License Agreement Version 1.0 (the "License"). * Please refer to the License for details. You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, * INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See LICENSE in the root of the software repository for the full text of the License. */ /*! * \file mean_tiling_intf.h * \brief */ #ifndef LIB_MEAN_TILING_INTF #define LIB_MEAN_TILING_INTF #include #include "register/tilingdata_base.h" namespace AscendC { /*! * \brief This interface is used to obtain the maximum and minimum temporary space reserved or applied. * The developer selects a proper space size based on this range as the tiling parameter. * * \param [in] n, actual number of calculations in each row of the input data * \param [in] srcTypeSize, size of the input data type, in bytes * \param [in] accTypeSize, size of the accType data type, in bytes. * \param [in] isReuseSource, whether to reuse the input space of the source operand * \param [out] maxValue, maximum temporary space required * \param [out] minValue, minimum temporary space required */ void GetMeanMaxMinTmpSize(const uint32_t n, const uint32_t srcTypeSize, const uint32_t accTypeSize, const bool isReuseSource, uint32_t &maxSize, uint32_t &minSize); /*! * \brief The calculation of the Mean interface requires the developer to reserve or apply for temporary space. The * relationship between the maximum temporary space (maxTmpBuffer) and the space occupied by the input (inputSize x * typeSize) is as follows: maxTmpBuffer = maxLiveNodeCnt * inputSize * typeSize + extraBuf * This interface is used to obtain maxLiveNodeCnt and extraBuf. * * \param [in] typeSize, size of the input data type, in bytes * \param [out] maxLiveNodeCnt, the multiple of the maximum temporary space to the input occupied space * \param [out] extraBuf, the size of the extra temporary space */ void GetMeanTmpBufferFactorSize(const uint32_t typeSize, uint32_t &maxLiveNodeCount, uint32_t &extraBuffer); } // namespace AscendC #endif // __ASCENDC_TIKCFW_TILING_POWER_TILINGINTF_H__