#!/bin/sh # Perform install/upgrade/uninstall for runtime package # Copyright (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2021. All rights reserved. default_root_dir="/usr/local/Ascend" default_normal_dir="${HOME}/Ascend" username=$(id -un) usergroup=$(id -gn) curpath=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0")) common_func_path="${curpath}/common_func.inc" version_compat_func_path="${curpath}/version_compatiable.inc" common_func_v2_path="${curpath}/common_func_v2.inc" version_cfg_path="${curpath}/version_cfg.inc" runtime_func_path="${curpath}/runtime_func.sh" pkg_version_path="${curpath}/../../version.info" install_info_old="/etc/ascend_install.info" run_dir="$(echo "$2" | cut -d'-' -f 3-)" . "${common_func_path}" . "${version_compat_func_path}" . "${common_func_v2_path}" . "${version_cfg_path}" . "${runtime_func_path}" if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then log_dir="${HOME}/var/log/ascend_seclog" else log_dir="/var/log/ascend_seclog" fi if [ ! -d "$log_dir" ]; then mkdir -p "$log_dir" fi operation_logfile="${log_dir}/operation.log" logfile="${log_dir}/ascend_install.log" # 递归授权 chmod_recur() { local file_path="${1}" local permission="${2}" local type="${3}" permission=$(set_file_chmod "$permission") if [ "$type" = "dir" ]; then find "$file_path" -type d -exec chmod "$permission" {} \; 2> /dev/null elif [ "$type" = "file" ]; then find "$file_path" -type f -exec chmod "$permission" {} \; 2> /dev/null fi } # 单目录授权 chmod_single_dir() { local file_path="${1}" local permission="${2}" local type="${3}" permission=$(set_file_chmod "$permission") if [ "$type" = "dir" ]; then chmod "$permission" "$file_path" elif [ "$type" = "file" ]; then chmod "$permission" "$file_path" fi } # 设置权限 set_file_chmod() { local permission="${1}" local new_permission="" if [ "${input_install_for_all}" = "y" ]; then new_permission="$(expr substr $permission 1 2)$(expr substr $permission 2 1)" echo "$new_permission" else echo "$permission" fi } # 运行前授权 chmod_start() { local tmpdir="$1" [ -z "$tmpdir" ] && tmpdir="$default_dir" chmod_recur "$tmpdir" 750 dir 2> /dev/null } # 运行结束授权 chmod_end() { chmod_recur "$default_dir/bin" 550 dir chmod_recur "$default_dir/bin" 550 file chmod_single_dir "$default_dir/ascend_install.info" 640 file 2> /dev/null chmod_single_dir "$default_dir/version.info" 440 file 2> /dev/null chmod_single_dir "$default_dir/scene.info" 640 file 2> /dev/null chmod_single_dir "$default_dir" 550 dir 2> /dev/null chmod_single_dir "$default_dir/script" 550 dir 2> /dev/null chmod_recur "$default_dir/script" 550 file 2> /dev/null chmod_single_dir "$default_dir/script/install.sh" 500 file 2> /dev/null if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then chown "root:root" "$default_dir" 2> /dev/null chmod 755 "$default_dir" 2> /dev/null chown -R "root:root" "$default_dir/script" 2> /dev/null fi } ver_check() { if [ "$(get_pkg_toolchain)" = "llvm" ]; then return fi local version_info_file="" if [ -f "${install_info_old}" ] && [ $(grep -c -i driver_install_path_param "$install_info_old") -ne 0 ]; then if [ -f "${default_dir}/version.info" ]; then version_info_file="${default_dir}/version.info" else version_info_file="$pkg_version_path" fi local driver_install_path_param="$(grep -iw driver_install_path_param "${install_info_old}" | cut -d"=" -f2-)" local dep_pkg_ver_file="${driver_install_path_param}/driver/version.info" if [ "$check" = "y" ]; then sh "${curpath}/ver_check.sh" "${version_info_file}" "driver" "${dep_pkg_ver_file}" elif [ "$full_install" = "y" ] || [ "$run_install" = "y" ] || [ "$devel_install" = "y" ] || [ "$upgrade" = "y" ]; then sh "${curpath}/ver_check.sh" "${version_info_file}" "driver" "${dep_pkg_ver_file}" 1> /dev/null local ret=$? if [ "${ret}" -eq 1 ] && [ "$is_quiet" = "n" ]; then log "WARNING" "Check version does not matched, do you want to continue? [y/n]" while true do read yn if [ "$yn" = "n" ]; then log "INFO" "stop installation!" exit_install_log 0 elif [ "$yn" = "y" ]; then break else log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0002;ERR_DES:input error, please input again!" fi done elif [ "${ret}" -eq 1 ] && [ "$is_quiet" = "y" ]; then log "WARNING" "Check version does not matched!" elif [ "${ret}" -eq 0 ]; then log "INFO" "Check version matched!" fi fi else log "WARNING" "Cannot find the install path of driver." fi } param_usage() { log "INFO" "Please input this command for help: ./${runfilename} --help" } # 修改日志文件的权限 change_log_mode() { if [ ! -f "$logfile" ]; then touch "$logfile" fi chmod 640 "$logfile" } # 创建日志文件夹 create_log_folder() { if [ ! -d "$log_dir" ]; then mkdir -p "$log_dir" fi if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then chmod 740 "$log_dir" else chmod 750 "$log_dir" fi } # 写日志 log() { local cur_date="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" local log_type="$1" local log_msg="$2" local log_format="[Runtime] [$cur_date] [$log_type]: $log_msg" if [ "$log_type" = "INFO" ]; then echo "$log_format" elif [ "$log_type" = "WARNING" ]; then echo "$log_format" elif [ "$log_type" = "ERROR" ]; then echo "$log_format" elif [ "$log_type" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "$log_format" 1> /dev/null fi if [ -d "$log_dir" ]; then echo "$log_format" >> "$logfile" fi } # 静默模式日志打印 new_echo() { local log_type="$1" local log_msg="$2" if [ "${is_quiet}" = "n" ]; then echo "${log_type}" "${log_msg}" 1> /dev/null fi } # 开始安装前打印开始信息 start_install_log() { local cur_date="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" new_echo "INFO" "Start time:${cur_date}" log "INFO" "Start time:$cur_date" log "INFO" "LogFile:${logfile}" log "INFO" "InputParams:$all_parma" log "INFO" "OperationLogFile:${operation_logfile}" } # 开始卸载前打印开始信息 start_uninstall_log() { local cur_date="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" new_echo "INFO" "Start time:${cur_date}" log "INFO" "Start time:$cur_date" log "INFO" "LogFile:${logfile}" log "INFO" "InputParams:$all_parma" log "INFO" "OperationLogFile:${operation_logfile}" } # 安装结束退出前打印结束信息 exit_install_log() { local cur_date="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" new_echo "INFO" "End time:${cur_date}" log "INFO" "End time:${cur_date}" exit "$1" } # 安装结束退出前打印结束信息 exit_uninstall_log() { local cur_date="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" new_echo "INFO" "End time:${cur_date}" log "INFO" "End time:${cur_date}" exit "$1" } # 安全日志 log_operation() { local cur_date="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" local level="" if [ "$1" = "Install" ]; then level="SUGGESTION" elif [ "$1" = "Upgrade" ]; then level="MINOR" elif [ "$1" = "Uninstall" ]; then level="MAJOR" else level="UNKNOWN" fi if [ ! -f "${operation_logfile}" ]; then touch "${operation_logfile}" chmod 640 "${operation_logfile}" fi echo "$1 $level root $cur_date $runfilename $2 installmode=$installmode; cmdlist=$all_parma" >> "$operation_logfile" } # 相对路径转化绝对路径 relative_path_to_absolute_path() { local relative_path_="${1}" if [ "x$relative_path_" = "x" ]; then return fi local fstr="$(expr substr "$relative_path_" 1 1)" if [ "$fstr" = "~" ]; then relative_path_="${HOME}$(echo "${relative_path_}" | cut -d'~' -f 2-)" elif [ "$fstr" != "/" ]; then relative_path_="${run_dir}/${relative_path_}" fi echo "$relative_path_" } # 获取安装路径 get_install_path() { local ppath="" if [ "$input_path_flag" = "y" ]; then if [ "x${input_install_path}" = "x" ]; then log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0004;ERR_DES: Install path is empty." exitLog 1 fi elif [ ! -z "${ASCEND_HOME_PATH}" ]; then input_install_path="${ASCEND_HOME_PATH}" fi input_install_path=$(echo "${input_install_path}" | sed "s/\/*$//g") if [ "x${input_install_path}" = "x" ]; then input_install_path="/" fi if [ "$uninstall" != "y" ]; then ppath=$(echo "${input_install_path}" | sed "s/\/[^/]*$//g") if [ "x${ppath}" != "x" ] && [ ! -d "${ppath}" ]; then log "ERROR" "parent path doesn't exist, please create ${ppath} first." exitLog 1 fi fi } create_install_dir() { local path="$1" local user_and_group="$2" local permission="" if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then user_and_group="root:root" permission=755 else if [ "$input_install_for_all" = "y" ]; then permission=755 else permission=750 fi fi if [ "x${path}" = "x" ]; then log "WARNING" "dir path is empty" return 1 fi mkdir -p "${path}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "WARNING" "create path=${path} failed." return 1 fi chmod "$permission" "${path}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "WARNING" "chmod path=${path} $permission failed." return 1 fi chown -f "$user_and_group" "${path}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "WARNING" "chown path=${path} $user_and_group failed." return 1 fi } create_file() { local _file="$1" if [ -d "${_file}" ]; then rm -rf "${_file}" fi touch "${_file}" chown "$2" "${_file}" chmod_single_dir "${_file}" "$3" file if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return 1 fi return 0 } # 判断输入的指定路径是否存在 is_valid_path() { if [ "x${pkg_install_path}" != "x" ]; then if [ ! -d "${pkg_install_path}" ]; then local up_dir=$(dirname "${pkg_install_path}") if [ ! -d "${up_dir}" ]; then log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0003;ERR_DES:The $up_dir dose not exist, please retry a right path." exit_install_log 1 fi else local install_path="$pkg_install_path" if [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then install_path="$(realpath $install_path/../..)" fi local ret=0 if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then parent_dirs_permission_check "$install_path" && ret=$? || ret=$? if [ "${is_quiet}" = "y" ] && [ "${ret}" -ne 0 ]; then log "ERROR" "the given dir, or its parents, permission is invalid." exit 1 fi if [ "${ret}" -ne 0 ]; then log "WARNING" "You are going to put run-files on a unsecure install-path, do you want to continue? [y/n]" while true do read yn if [ "$yn" = "n" ]; then exit 1 elif [ "$yn" = "y" ]; then break else echo "ERR_NO:0x0002;ERR_DES:input error, please input again!" fi done fi fi if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then log "DEBUG" "$install_path" else sh -c 'cd "$install_path" >> /dev/null 2>&1' fi if [ $? != 0 ]; then log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0093;ERR_DES:The $username do not have the permission to access $install_path, please reset the directory to a right permission." exit_install_log 1 fi fi fi } # 递归判断安装路的属组和权限 parent_dirs_permission_check() { local current_dir="$1" local parent_dir="" local short_install_dir="" local owner="" local mod_num="" parent_dir=$(dirname "${current_dir}") short_install_dir=$(basename "${current_dir}") log "INFO" "parent_dir value is [${parent_dir}] and children_dir value is [${short_install_dir}]" if [ "x${current_dir}" = "x/" ]; then log "INFO" "parent_dirs_permission_check succeeded" return 0 else owner=$(stat -c %U "${parent_dir}/${short_install_dir}") if [ "${owner}" != "root" ]; then log "WARNING" "[${short_install_dir}] permission isn't right, it should belong to root." return 1 fi log "INFO" "[${short_install_dir}] belongs to root." mod_num=$(stat -c %a "${parent_dir}/${short_install_dir}") mod_num=$(check_chmod_length "$mod_num") if [ "${mod_num}" -lt 755 ]; then log "WARNING" "[${short_install_dir}] permission is too small, it is recommended that the permission be 755 for the root user." return 2 elif [ "${mod_num}" -eq 755 ]; then log "INFO" "[${short_install_dir}] permission is ok." else log "WARNING" "[${short_install_dir}] permission is too high, it is recommended that the permission be 755 for the root user." [ "${is_quiet}" = "n" ] && return 3 fi parent_dirs_permission_check "${parent_dir}" fi } check_chmod_length() { local mod_num="$1" local new_mod_num="" local mod_num_length=$(expr length "$mod_num") if [ "$mod_num_length" -eq 3 ]; then new_mod_num="$mod_num" echo "$new_mod_num" elif [ "$mod_num_length" -eq 4 ]; then new_mod_num="$(expr substr $mod_num 2 3)" echo "$new_mod_num" fi } # 校验用户和组的关联关系 check_group() { local group_user_related="" local result="$(groups "$2" | grep ":")" if [ "x${result}" != "x" ]; then group_user_related=$(groups "$2"|awk -F":" '{print $2}'|grep -w "$1") else group_user_related=$(groups "$2"|grep -w "$1") fi if [ "x${group_user_related}" != "x" ]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } # 解锁 unchattr_files() { if [ -f "$install_info" ]; then if [ -d "$default_dir" ]; then chattr -R -i "$default_dir" >> /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "DEBUG" "unchattr -i for the subfiles." find "$default_dir" -name "*" | xargs chattr -i >> /dev/null 2>&1 else log "DEBUG" "unchattr -R -i $pkg_install_path succeeded." fi fi fi } # 创建普通用户的默认安装目录 create_default_install_dir_for_common_user() { if [ "$full_install" = "y" ] || [ "$run_install" = "y" ] || [ "$devel_install" = "y" ]; then if [ ! -d "$pkg_install_path" ]; then create_install_dir "$pkg_install_path" "$username:$usergroup" fi if [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then local parent_dir="$(dirname "$pkg_install_path")" create_install_dir "$parent_dir" "$username:$usergroup" fi fi } # 创建子包安装目录 create_default_dir() { if [ ! -d "$default_dir" ]; then create_install_dir "$default_dir" "${username}":"${usergroup}" fi if [ -n "$pkg_version_dir" ] && [ "$hetero_arch" != "y" ]; then create_install_dir "$(dirname $default_dir)" "$username:$usergroup" fi [ -d "$default_dir" ] && return 0 return 1 } # 获取安装目录下的完整版本号 get_version_installed() { local installed_version="none" if [ -f "$default_dir/version.info" ]; then installed_version="$(grep -iw ^version "$default_dir/version.info" | cut -d"=" -f2-)" fi echo "$installed_version" } # 获取本包中的完整版本号 get_version_in_runpkg() { local version_in_runpkg="none" if [ -f "$pkg_version_path" ]; then version_in_runpkg="$(grep -iw ^version $pkg_version_path | cut -d"=" -f2-)" fi echo "$version_in_runpkg" } # 更新基础版本号 update_version_info_version() { if [ -f "$default_dir/version.info" ]; then rm -f "$default_dir/version.info" cp -f "$pkg_version_path" "$default_dir" log "INFO" "Upgrade base version successfully!" else cp -f "$pkg_version_path" "$default_dir" log "INFO" "Base version set successfully!" fi chmod_single_dir "$default_dir/version.info" 440 file >> /dev/null 2>&1 } log_base_version() { if [ -f "$install_info" ]; then local installed_version="$(get_version_installed)" if [ "x${installed_version}" != "x" ]; then new_echo "INFO" "base version is ${installed_version}." log "INFO" "base version is ${installed_version}." return 0 fi fi if [ "$upgrade" = "y" ]; then new_echo "WARNING" "base version was destroyed or not exist." log "WARNING" "base version was destroyed or not exist." fi } update_install_path() { if [ ! -d "$pkg_install_path" ]; then log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0003;ERR_DES:The $pkg_install_path dose not exist, please retry a right path." exit_install_log 1 fi } update_install_param() { local _key="$1" local _val="$2" local _file="$3" local _param="" if [ ! -f "${_file}" ]; then exit 1 fi local install_info_key_array="Runtime_Install_Type Runtime_Chip_Type Runtime_Feature_Type Runtime_UserName Runtime_UserGroup Runtime_Install_Path_Param Runtime_Arch_Linux_Path Runtime_Hetero_Arch_Flag" for key_param in ${install_info_key_array}; do if [ "${key_param}" = "${_key}" ]; then _param=$(grep -i "${_key}=" "${_file}") if [ "x${_param}" = "x" ]; then echo "${_key}=${_val}" >> "${_file}" else sed -i "/^${_key}=/Ic ${_key}=${_val}" "${_file}" 2> /dev/null fi break fi done } get_install_param() { local _key="$1" local _file="$2" local _param="" if [ ! -f "${_file}" ]; then exit 1 fi local install_info_key_array="Runtime_Install_Type Runtime_Chip_Type Runtime_Feature_Type Runtime_UserName Runtime_UserGroup Runtime_Install_Path_Param Runtime_Arch_Linux_Path Runtime_Hetero_Arch_Flag" for key_param in ${install_info_key_array}; do if [ "${key_param}" = "${_key}" ]; then _param=$(grep -i "${_key}=" "${_file}" | cut -d"=" -f2-) break fi done echo "${_param}" } update_install_info_feature() { local operation="$1" if [ "$featuremode" = "all" ] || [ "$operation" = "Upgrade" ]; then update_install_param "Runtime_Feature_Type" "$featuremode" "$install_info" return fi local current_featuremode=$(get_install_param "Runtime_Feature_Type" "$install_info") if [ -z "$current_featuremode" ] || [ "$current_featuremode" = "all" ]; then update_install_param "Runtime_Feature_Type" "$featuremode" "$install_info" return fi local version_in_runpkg="$(get_version_in_runpkg)" if [ "$version_in_runpkg" != "$version_installed" ]; then update_install_param "Runtime_Feature_Type" "$featuremode" "$install_info" return fi featuremode=$(echo "$current_featuremode,$featuremode" | tr ',' '\n' | sort -u | tr '\n' ',' | sed -e 's/^,\+\|,\+$//g') update_install_param "Runtime_Feature_Type" "$featuremode" "$install_info" } update_install_info() { chmod_start if [ ! -f "$install_info" ]; then create_file "$install_info" "$username":"$usergroup" 640 fi update_install_param "Runtime_Install_Type" "$installmode" "$install_info" update_install_param "Runtime_Chip_Type" "$chipmode" "$install_info" update_install_info_feature update_install_param "Runtime_UserName" "$username" "$install_info" update_install_param "Runtime_UserGroup" "$usergroup" "$install_info" update_install_param "Runtime_Install_Path_Param" "$install_path_param" "$install_info" update_install_param "Runtime_Arch_Linux_Path" "$arch_linux_path" "$install_info" update_install_param "Runtime_Hetero_Arch_Flag" "$hetero_arch" "$install_info" } prompt_set_env() { local install_path="$1" if [ -n "$pkg_version_dir" ] && [ "$hetero_arch" != "y" ]; then install_path="$install_path/$pkg_version_dir" fi echo "Please make sure that - LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes ${install_path}/runtime/lib64" } check_docker_path() { local docker_path="$1" if [ $(expr substr "${docker_path}" 1 1) != "/" ]; then log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0002;ERR_DES:Parameter --docker-root \ must with absolute path that which is start with root directory /. Such as --docker-root=/${docker_path}" exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "${docker_path}" ]; then log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:${FILE_NOT_EXIST}; The directory:${docker_path} not exist, please create this directory." exit 1 fi } concat_docker_install_path() { local docker_path="$1" local install_path="" docker_path=$(echo "${docker_path}" | sed "s/\/*$//g") if [ "x${docker_path}" = "x" ]; then docker_path="/" fi install_path="${docker_path}$2" echo "${install_path}" } ####################################################### # 安装调用子脚本 install_run() { local operation="Install" local runtime_install_path_param="" update_install_path update_install_info local runtime_input_install_path=$(get_install_param "Runtime_Install_Path_Param" "${install_info}") local runtime_install_type=$(get_install_param "Runtime_Install_Type" "${install_info}") if [ "$is_docker_install" = "y" ]; then runtime_install_path_param=$(concat_docker_install_path "${docker_root}" "${runtime_input_install_path}") else runtime_install_path_param="${runtime_input_install_path}" fi if [ "$1" = "install" ]; then unchattr_files chmod_start new_echo "INFO" "install ${runtime_install_path_param} ${runtime_install_type}" log "INFO" "install ${runtime_install_path_param} ${runtime_install_type}" sh "${curpath}/run_runtime_install.sh" "install" "${runtime_input_install_path}" "${runtime_install_type}" \ "${is_quiet}" "${input_setenv}" "${docker_root}" "${in_install_for_all}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then update_version_info_version if [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then create_acllib_softlink "${runtime_install_path_param}" create_modeldeployer_softlink "${runtime_install_path_param}" else create_acllib_softlink "${runtime_install_path_param}/${pkg_version_dir}" create_modeldeployer_softlink "${runtime_install_path_param}/${pkg_version_dir}" fi log "INFO" "Runtime package installed successfully! The new version takes effect immediately." log_operation "${operation}" "succeeded" chmod_end prompt_set_env "${install_path_param}" else chmod_end log "ERROR" "Runtime package install failed, please retry after uninstall!" log_operation "${operation}" "failed!" exit_install_log 1 fi fi return $? } # 升级调用子脚本 upgrade_run() { local operation="Upgrade" local runtime_install_path_param="" update_install_info_feature "$operation" if [ -f "$install_info" ]; then local runtime_input_install_path=$(get_install_param "Runtime_Install_Path_Param" "${install_info}") local runtime_install_type=$(get_install_param "Runtime_Install_Type" "${install_info}") elif [ -f "$install_info_old" ] && [ $(grep -c -i runtime_install_path_param "$install_info_old") -ne 0 ]; then local runtime_input_install_path="$(grep -iw runtime_install_path_param "$install_info_old" | cut -d"=" -f2-)" local runtime_install_type="$(grep -iw runtime_install_type "$install_info_old" | cut -d"=" -f2-)" else log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0080;ERR_DES:Installation information no longer exists, please complete ${install_info} or ${install_info_old}" exit_install_log 1 fi if [ "$is_docker_install" = "y" ]; then runtime_install_path_param=$(concat_docker_install_path "${docker_root}" "${runtime_input_install_path}") else runtime_install_path_param="${runtime_input_install_path}" fi if [ "$1" = "upgrade" ]; then chmod_start new_echo "INFO" "upgrade ${runtime_install_path_param} ${runtime_install_type}" log "INFO" "upgrade ${runtime_install_path_param} ${runtime_install_type}" sh "${curpath}/run_runtime_upgrade.sh" "upgrade" "${runtime_input_install_path}" "${runtime_install_type}" \ "${is_quiet}" "${input_setenv}" "${docker_root}" "${in_install_for_all}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then update_version_info_version if [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then create_acllib_softlink "${runtime_install_path_param}" create_modeldeployer_softlink "${runtime_install_path_param}" else create_acllib_softlink "${runtime_install_path_param}/${pkg_version_dir}" create_modeldeployer_softlink "${runtime_install_path_param}/${pkg_version_dir}" fi log "INFO" "Runtime package upgraded successfully! The new version takes effect immediately." log_operation "${operation}" "succeeded" chmod_end prompt_set_env "${install_path_param}" else chmod_end log "ERROR" "Runtime package upgrade failed, please retry after uninstall!" log_operation "${operation}" "failed!" exit_install_log 1 fi fi return $? } # 卸载调用子脚本 uninstall_run() { local is_recreate_softlink="$2" local is_remove_info_files="$3" local upgrade_install_info="$4" [ -z "$upgrade_install_info" ] && upgrade_install_info="$install_info" local operation="Uninstall" local runtime_install_path_param="" if [ -f "$upgrade_install_info" ]; then local runtime_input_install_path=$(get_install_param "Runtime_Install_Path_Param" "${upgrade_install_info}") local runtime_install_type=$(get_install_param "Runtime_Install_Type" "${upgrade_install_info}") elif [ -f "$install_info_old" ] && [ $(grep -c -i runtime_install_path_param "$install_info_old") -ne 0 ]; then local runtime_input_install_path="$(grep -iw runtime_install_path_param "$install_info_old" | cut -d"=" -f2-)" local runtime_install_type="$(grep -iw runtime_install_type "$install_info_old" | cut -d"=" -f2-)" else log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0080;ERR_DES:Installation information no longer exists, please complete ${upgrade_install_info} or ${install_info_old}" exit_uninstall_log 1 fi if [ "$is_docker_install" = "y" ]; then runtime_install_path_param=$(concat_docker_install_path "${docker_root}" "${runtime_input_install_path}") else runtime_install_path_param="${runtime_input_install_path}" fi local upgrade_default_dir="$(dirname $upgrade_install_info)" if [ ! -f "$upgrade_default_dir/script/run_runtime_uninstall.sh" ]; then log "WARNING" "run_runtime_uninstall.sh not found." return $? fi if [ "$1" = "uninstall" ]; then chmod_start "$upgrade_default_dir" new_echo "INFO" "uninstall ${runtime_install_path_param} ${runtime_install_type}" log "INFO" "uninstall ${runtime_install_path_param} ${runtime_install_type}" sh "$upgrade_default_dir/script/run_runtime_uninstall.sh" "uninstall" "${runtime_input_install_path}" "${runtime_install_type}" "${is_quiet}" \ "${is_docker_install}" "${docker_root}" "${is_recreate_softlink}" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$is_remove_info_files" = "y" ]; then test -f "$upgrade_install_info" && rm -f "$upgrade_install_info" test -f "$upgrade_default_dir/version.info" && rm -f "$upgrade_default_dir/version.info" fi if [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then remove_acllib_softlink "${runtime_install_path_param}" remove_modeldeployer_softlink "${runtime_install_path_param}" else local version_dir="$([ -n "$pkg_version_dir" ] && basename $(dirname $upgrade_default_dir))" remove_acllib_softlink "${runtime_install_path_param}/${version_dir}" remove_modeldeployer_softlink "${runtime_install_path_param}/${version_dir}" fi remove_dir_recursive "$install_top_path" "$upgrade_default_dir" if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$uninstall" = "y" ] && [ -f "$install_info_old" ] && [ $(grep -c -i runtime_install_path_param "$install_info_old") -ne 0 ]; then sed -i '/runtime_install_path_param=/Id' "$install_info_old" 2> /dev/null sed -i '/runtime_install_type=/Id' "$install_info_old" 2> /dev/null fi fi new_echo "INFO" "Runtime package uninstalled successfully! Uninstallation takes effect immediately." log "INFO" "Runtime package uninstalled successfully! Uninstallation takes effect immediately." log_operation "${operation}" "succeeded" else log "ERROR" "Runtime package uninstall failed!" log_operation "${operation}" "failed!" exit_uninstall_log 1 fi fi return $? } save_user_files_to_log() { if [ "$1" = "${default_dir}" ] && [ -s "$1" ]; then local filenum=$(ls -lR "$1"|grep "^-"|wc -l) local dirnum=$(ls -lR "$1"|grep "^d"|wc -l) local totalnum=$(expr "${filenum}" + "${dirnum}") if [ "$totalnum" -eq 2 ]; then if [ -f "${install_info}" ] && [ -f "${default_dir}/version.info" ]; then return 0 fi fi if [ "$totalnum" -eq 1 ]; then if [ -f "${install_info}" ] || [ -f "${default_dir}/version.info" ]; then return 0 fi fi log "INFO" "Some files generated by user are not cleared, if necessary, manually clear them, get details in $logfile" fi if [ -s "$1" ]; then for file in $(ls -a "$1"); do if [ -d "$1/$file" -a ! -L "$1/$file" ]; then if [ "$file" != '.' ] && [ "$file" != '..' ]; then echo "$1/$file" >> "$logfile" save_user_files_to_log "$1/$file" fi else echo "$1/$file" >> "$logfile" fi done fi } judgmentpath() { . "${common_func_path}" check_install_path_valid "${1}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "ERROR" "The Runtime install_path ${1} is invalid, only characters in [a-z,A-Z,0-9,-,_] are supported!" exit 1 fi } unique_mode() { if [ ! -z "$g_param_check_flag" ]; then log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0004;ERR_DES:only support one type: full/run/docker/devel/upgrade/uninstall, operation failed!" exit 1 fi } check_install_for_all() { local mod_num="" local other_mod_num="" if [ "$input_install_for_all" = "y" ] && [ -d "$pkg_install_path" ]; then mod_num="$(stat -c %a ${pkg_install_path})" mod_num="$(check_chmod_length $mod_num)" other_mod_num="$(expr substr $mod_num 3 1)" if [ "${other_mod_num}" -ne 5 ] && [ "${other_mod_num}" -ne 7 ]; then log "ERROR" "${pkg_install_path} permission is ${mod_num}, this permission does not support install_for_all param." exit_install_log 1 fi fi } pre_check() { local check_shell_path="${curpath}/prereq_check.bash" if [ ! -f "${check_shell_path}" ]; then log "WARNING" "${check_shell_path} not exist." return 0 fi if [ "x$is_quiet" = "xy" ]; then sh "${check_shell_path}" --quiet else sh "${check_shell_path}" --no-quiet fi } uninstall_none_multi_version() { if [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then return fi local install_path="$1" if [ "$pkg_is_multi_version" = "true" ] && [ ! -L "$install_path" ] && [ -d "$install_path" ]; then if [ "$full_install" = "y" ] || [ "$run_install" = "y" ] || [ "$devel_install" = "y" ] || [ "$upgrade" = "y" ] || [ "$uninstall" = "y" ]; then local path_version="$install_path/version.info" local path_install="$install_path/ascend_install.info" if [ -f "$path_version" ] && [ -f "$path_install" ] && [ -f "$install_path/script/uninstall.sh" ]; then $install_path/script/uninstall.sh fi fi fi } #################################################################################################### runfilename=$(expr substr "$1" 5 $(expr ${#1} - 4)) full_install=n run_install=n docker_install=n devel_install=n uninstall=n upgrade=n installmode="" chip_flag=n chipmode="all" feature_flag=n featuremode="all" install_path_cmd="--install-path" input_install_path="" install_top_path="" in_install_for_all="" docker_root="" setenv="" input_path_flag=n input_install_for_all=n is_docker_install=n input_pre_check=n input_setenv=n uninstall_path_cmd="--uninstall" uninstall_path_param="" upgrade_path_cmd="--upgrade" upgrade_path_param="" docker_cmd="--docker" is_quiet=n check=n install_path_param="" g_param_check_flag="" hetero_arch=n if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then input_install_for_all=y input_install_path="$default_root_dir" install_path_param="$default_root_dir" in_install_for_all="--install_for_all" else input_install_path="$default_normal_dir" install_path_param="$default_normal_dir" fi create_log_folder change_log_mode #################################################################################################### if [ "$#" = "1" ] || [ "$#" = "2" ]; then log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0004;ERR_DES:Unrecognized parameters. Try './xxx.run --help for more information.'" exit 1 fi i=0 while true do if [ "x$1" = "x" ]; then break fi if [ "$(expr substr "$1" 1 2)" = "--" ]; then i=$(expr $i + 1) fi if [ $i -gt 2 ]; then break fi shift 1 done all_parma="$*" ################################################################################# while true do case "$1" in --help | -h) param_usage exit 0 ;; --run) unique_mode g_param_check_flag="True" run_install=y installmode="run" shift ;; --full) unique_mode g_param_check_flag="True" full_install=y installmode="full" shift ;; --docker) unique_mode g_param_check_flag="True" docker_install=y installmode="docker" shift ;; --devel) unique_mode g_param_check_flag="True" devel_install=y installmode="devel" shift ;; --install-path=*) temp_path=$(echo "$1" | cut -d"=" -f2-) judgmentpath "${temp_path}" slashes_num=$(echo "${temp_path}" | grep -o '/' | wc -l) if [ "$slashes_num" -gt 1 ]; then input_install_path=$(echo "${temp_path}" | sed "s/\/*$//g") else input_install_path="${temp_path}" fi input_path_flag=y shift ;; --chip=*) chip_flag=y shift ;; --feature=*) featuremode=$(echo "$1" | cut -d"=" -f2-) feature_flag=y shift ;; --install-username=*) shift ;; --install-usergroup=*) shift ;; --install-for-all) input_install_for_all=y in_install_for_all="--install_for_all" shift ;; --docker-root=*) temp_path=$(echo "$1" | cut -d"=" -f2-) judgmentpath "${temp_path}" slashes_num=$(echo "${temp_path}" | grep -o '/' | wc -l) if [ "$slashes_num" -gt 1 ]; then docker_root=$(echo "${temp_path}" | sed "s/\/*$//g") else docker_root="${temp_path}" fi is_docker_install=y check_docker_path "${docker_root}" shift ;; --pre-check) input_pre_check=y shift ;; --setenv) input_setenv=y setenv="--setenv" shift ;; --uninstall) unique_mode g_param_check_flag="True" uninstall=y shift ;; --upgrade) unique_mode g_param_check_flag="True" upgrade=y shift ;; --quiet) is_quiet=y shift ;; --extract=*) shift; ;; --keep) shift; ;; --check) check=y shift ;; --version) get_version_in_runpkg version=y exit 0 ;; -*) log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0004;ERR_DES: Unsupported parameters : $1" param_usage exit 0 ;; *) break ;; esac done ###################### 检查参数冲突 ################### if [ "${is_quiet}" = "y" ]; then if [ "${upgrade}" = "y" ] || [ "${full_install}" = "y" ] || [ "${run_install}" = "y" ] || [ "${devel_install}" = "y" ] || [ "${uninstall}" = "y" ]; then is_quiet=y elif [ "${input_pre_check}" = "y" ] || [ "${check}" = "y" ]; then is_quiet=y else log "ERROR" "'--quiet' is not supported to used by this way, please use with '--full', '--devel', '--run', '--upgrade', '--uninstall', '--check' or '--pre-check'" exit 1 fi fi # 检查chip参数是否冲突 if [ "${chip_flag}" = "y" ] && [ "${uninstall}" = "y" ]; then log "ERROR" "'--chip' is not supported to used by this way, please use with '--full', '--devel', '--run', '--upgrade'" exit 1 fi # 检查feature参数是否冲突 if [ "${feature_flag}" = "y" ] && [ "${uninstall}" = "y" ]; then log "ERROR" "'--feature' is not supported to used by this way, please use with '--full', '--devel', '--run', '--upgrade'" exit 1 fi # 卸载参数只支持单独使用 if [ "$uninstall" = "y" ]; then if [ "$upgrade" = "y" ] || [ "$full_install" = "y" ] || [ "$run_install" = "y" ] || [ "$devel_install" = "y" ] || [ "$docker_install" = "y" ] || [ "$check" = "y" ] || [ "$input_pre_check" = "y" ]; then log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0004;ERR_DES:Unsupported parameters, operation failed." exit 1 fi fi # 检查必选参数 if [ "${upgrade}" = "n" ] && [ "${full_install}" = "n" ] && [ "${run_install}" = "n" ] && [ "${devel_install}" = "n" ] && [ "${uninstall}" = "n" ] && [ "${input_pre_check}" = "n" ] && [ "${check}" = "n" ]; then log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0004;One of parameters '--full', '--devel', '--run', '--upgrade', '--uninstall', '--check' or '--pre-check' must be used." exit 1 fi if [ "$featuremode" != "all" ]; then contain_feature "ret" "$featuremode" "$curpath/filelist.csv" if [ "$ret" = "false" ]; then log "WARNING" "Runtime package doesn't contain features $featuremode, skip installation." exit 0 fi fi ####################################################### is_multi_version_pkg "pkg_is_multi_version" "$pkg_version_path" get_version_dir "pkg_version_dir" "$pkg_version_path" if [ "$full_install" = "y" ] || [ "$run_install" = "y" ] || [ "$devel_install" = "y" ] || [ "$upgrade" = "y" ] || [ "$uninstall" = "y" ]; then input_install_path=$(relative_path_to_absolute_path "${input_install_path}") get_install_path if [ "$(is_same_arch_pkg_installed)" = "y" ]; then hetero_arch="y" fi if [ "$upgrade" = "y" ] || [ "$uninstall" = "y" ]; then hetero_arch_pkg_installed="$(is_hetero_arch_pkg_installed)" if [ "$hetero_arch_pkg_installed" = "installed-hetero" ]; then hetero_arch="y" elif [ "$hetero_arch_pkg_installed" = "installed-normal" ]; then hetero_arch="n" elif [ "$hetero_arch_pkg_installed" = "installed-hetero-to-be-upgraded" ]; then hetero_arch="y" elif [ "$hetero_arch_pkg_installed" = "installed-normal-to-be-upgraded" ]; then hetero_arch="n" elif [ "$hetero_arch_pkg_installed" = "no" ]; then log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0080;ERR_DES:Runfile is not installed in ${input_install_path}, operation failed!" exit 1 fi fi export hetero_arch install_top_path="$(dirname $input_install_path)" install_path_param="${input_install_path}" if [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then if [ "$pkg_is_multi_version" = "true" ]; then install_path_param="$install_path_param/$pkg_version_dir/$arch_scripts_path" else install_path_param="$install_path_param/$arch_scripts_path" fi fi fi if [ "$is_docker_install" = "y" ]; then pkg_install_path=$(concat_docker_install_path "${docker_root}" "${install_path_param}") else pkg_install_path="${install_path_param}" fi if [ "$pkg_is_multi_version" = "true" ] && [ "$hetero_arch" != "y" ]; then default_dir="${pkg_install_path}/$pkg_version_dir/runtime" else default_dir="${pkg_install_path}/runtime" fi install_info="${default_dir}/ascend_install.info" if [ "$uninstall" = "y" ]; then start_uninstall_log else start_install_log fi if [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then log "INFO" "package is running in hetero arch mode!" fi # 执行预检查 if [ "$input_pre_check" = "y" ]; then log "INFO" "Runtime do pre check started." pre_check if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "WARNING" "Runtime do pre check failed." else log "INFO" "Runtime do pre check finished." fi if [ "$full_install" = "n" ] && [ "$run_install" = "n" ] && [ "$devel_install" = "n" ] && [ "$upgrade" = "n" ]; then exit_install_log 0 fi fi # 版本兼容性检查 if [ "$check" = "y" ]; then ver_check if [ -z "$pkg_version_dir" ]; then preinstall_check --install-path="$install_path_param" --script-dir="$curpath" --package="runtime" --logfile="$logfile" --docker-root="$docker_root" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit_install_log 1 else log "INFO" "version compatibility check successfully!" fi fi if [ "$full_install" = "n" ] && [ "$run_install" = "n" ] && [ "$devel_install" = "n" ] && [ "$upgrade" = "n" ]; then exit_install_log 0 fi elif [ "$full_install" = "y" ] || [ "$run_install" = "y" ] || [ "$devel_install" = "y" ] || [ "$upgrade" = "y" ]; then ver_check if [ -z "$pkg_version_dir" ]; then preinstall_process --install-path="$install_path_param" --script-dir="$curpath" --package="runtime" --logfile="$logfile" --docker-root="$docker_root" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit_install_log 1 else log "INFO" "version compatibility check successfully!" fi fi fi ################################################################## # 安装升级运行态时, 1/2包必须已安装, 且指定的用户必须存在且与1/2包同属组 if [ "$(get_pkg_toolchain)" != "llvm" ] && [ "$input_install_for_all" = "n" ]; then if [ "$run_install" = "y" ] || [ "$full_install" = "y" ] || [ "$devel_install" = "y" ]; then confirm=n if [ ! -f "$install_info_old" ]; then log "WARNING" "driver and firmware is not exists, please install first." confirm=y elif [ $(grep -c -i "Driver" "${install_info_old}") -eq 0 ]; then log "WARNING" "driver is not exists, please install first." confirm=y elif [ $(grep -c -i "Firmware" "${install_info_old}") -eq 0 ]; then log "WARNING" "firmware is not exists, please install first. (docker scenes is not need)" confirm=y elif [ -f "${install_info_old}" ]; then usergroup_base=$(grep -i usergroup= "${install_info_old}" | cut -d"=" -f2-) check_group "${usergroup_base}" "${username}" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0093;ERR_DES:User is not belong to the dirver or firmware's installed usergroup! Please add the user (${username}) to the group (${usergroup_base})." confirm=y exit_install_log 1 fi fi fi fi uninstall_none_multi_version "$pkg_install_path/runtime" check_install_for_all create_default_install_dir_for_common_user log_base_version if [ "$upgrade" != "y" ] || [ "$hetero_arch_pkg_installed" != "installed-hetero-to-be-upgraded" ]; then is_valid_path fi [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ] && replace_filelist if [ "$full_install" = "y" ] || [ "$run_install" = "y" ] || [ "$devel_install" = "y" ]; then create_default_dir fi # 环境上是否已安装过本包 version_installed="$(get_version_installed)" if [ "x$version_installed" != "x" -a "$version_installed" != "none" ] || [ -f "${install_info}" ]; then # 卸载场景 if [ "$uninstall" = "y" ]; then unchattr_files uninstall_run "uninstall" "y" "y" save_user_files_to_log "$default_dir" exit_uninstall_log 0 # 升级场景 elif [ "$upgrade" = "y" ]; then if [ -n "$pkg_version_dir" ]; then if [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then get_package_upgrade_install_info_hetero "upgrade_install_info" else get_package_upgrade_install_info "upgrade_install_info" "$pkg_install_path" "runtime" fi if [ -z "$upgrade_install_info" ]; then log "ERROR" "Can not find softlink for this package in latest directory, upgrade failed" log_operation "Upgrade" "failed" exit_install_log 1 elif [ "$(realpath $upgrade_install_info)" != "$(realpath $install_info)" ]; then uninstall_run "uninstall" "n" "y" "$upgrade_install_info" fi fi unchattr_files uninstall_run "uninstall" "n" "n" save_user_files_to_log "$default_dir" upgrade_run "upgrade" exit_install_log 0 # 安装场景 elif [ "$run_install" = "y" ] || [ "$full_install" = "y" ] || [ "$devel_install" = "y" ]; then version_of_package=$(get_version_in_runpkg) if [ "$is_quiet" = "n" ]; then log "INFO" "Runtime package has been installed on the path ${pkg_install_path}, the version is ${version_installed}, and the version of this package is ${version_of_package}, do you want to continue? [y/n]" while true do read yn if test "$yn" = n; then log "INFO" "stop installation!" exit_install_log 0 elif test "$yn" = y; then break else log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0002;ERR_DES:input error, please input again!" fi done fi unchattr_files uninstall_run "uninstall" "n" "n" save_user_files_to_log "$default_dir" install_run "install" exit_install_log 0 fi else # 卸载场景 if [ "$uninstall" = "y" ]; then if [ -d "$default_dir" ]; then log "ERROR" "The current user does not have the required permission to uninstall $default_dir, uninstall failed" log_operation "Uninstall" "failed" exit_uninstall_log 1 else log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0080;ERR_DES:Runfile is not installed in ${pkg_install_path}, uninstall failed" log_operation "Uninstall" "failed" exit_uninstall_log 1 fi # 升级场景 elif [ "$upgrade" = "y" ]; then if [ -z "$pkg_version_dir" ]; then if [ -d "$default_dir" ]; then log "ERROR" "The current user does not have the required permission to uninstall $default_dir, upgrade failed" log_operation "Upgrade" "failed" exit_install_log 1 else log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0080;ERR_DES:Runfile is not installed in ${pkg_install_path}, upgrade failed" log_operation "Upgrade" "failed" exit_install_log 1 fi else if [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then get_package_upgrade_install_info_hetero "upgrade_install_info" else get_package_upgrade_install_info "upgrade_install_info" "$pkg_install_path" "runtime" fi if [ -f "$upgrade_install_info" ]; then create_default_dir && cp "$upgrade_install_info" "$install_info" [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ] && update_install_info_hetero "$install_info" "$pkg_version_dir" uninstall_run "uninstall" "n" "y" "$upgrade_install_info" upgrade_run "upgrade" exit_install_log 0 else log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0080;ERR_DES:Runfile is not installed in ${pkg_install_path}, upgrade failed" log_operation "Upgrade" "failed" exit_install_log 1 fi fi # 安装场景 elif [ "$run_install" = "y" ] || [ "$full_install" = "y" ] || [ "$devel_install" = "y" ]; then install_run "install" exit_install_log 0 fi fi