#!/bin/bash # Perform uninstall for compiler package # Copyright (c) Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2021. All rights reserved. ############### 全局变量定义 ############### HOST="" RUN_USERNAME="$(id -un)" # 当前执行用户 DEFAULT_ROOT_DIR="/usr/local/Ascend" # 根用户默认安装路径 DEFAULT_NORMAL_DIR="${HOME}/Ascend" # 普通用户默认安装路径 curpath="$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))" # 脚本目录 common_func_path="${curpath}/common_func.inc" compiler_func_path="${curpath}/compiler_func.sh" UNINSTALL_SHELL="${curpath}/run_compiler_uninstall.sh" # 卸载脚本路径 install_path_param="$(dirname "${curpath}")" SCENE_INFO_FILE="$install_path_param/scene.info" version_info_file="$install_path_param/version.info" ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_FILE="$install_path_param/ascend_install.info" ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_OLD_FILE="/etc/ascend_install.info" RUN_CMD="uninstall" # 执行程序命令 RUN_CMD_TYPE="Uninstall" # 执行程序命令类型 IS_QUIET="n" # 静默模式默认为否 . "${common_func_path}" . "${compiler_func_path}" # 执行程序等级 case "${RUN_CMD_TYPE}" in Install) LEVEL="SUGGESTION" ;; Upgrade) LEVEL="MINOR" ;; Uninstall) LEVEL="MAJOR" ;; *) LEVEL="UNKNOWN" ;; esac if [ "$1" ]; then RUN_FILE_NAME="$(expr substr $1 5 $(expr ${#1} - 4))" fi # 判断当前用户身份, 指定日志和安装路径 if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then LOG_DIR="${HOME}/var/log/ascend_seclog" # 普通用户日志存放目录 DEFAULT_INSTALL_PATH="${HOME}/Ascend" # 普通用户默认安装路径 else LOG_DIR="/var/log/ascend_seclog" # 根用户日志存放目录 DEFAULT_INSTALL_PATH="/usr/local/Ascend" # 根用户默认安装路径 fi logfile="${LOG_DIR}/ascend_install.log" # 安装日志文件路径 OPERATION_LOG_FILE="${LOG_DIR}/operation.log" # 操作日志路径 ############### 日志函数 ############### # 过程日志打印 log() { local cur_date="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" local log_type="$1" local log_msg="$2" local log_format="[Compiler] [$cur_date] [$log_type]: $log_msg" if [ "$log_type" = "INFO" ]; then echo "$log_format" elif [ "$log_type" = "WARNING" ]; then echo "$log_format" elif [ "$log_type" = "ERROR" ]; then echo "$log_format" elif [ "$log_type" = "DEBUG" ]; then echo "$log_format" 1> /dev/null fi echo "$log_format" >> "$logfile" } # 静默模式日志打印 new_echo() { local log_type="$1" local log_msg="$2" if [ "${is_quiet}" = "n" ]; then echo "${log_type}" "${log_msg}" 1> /dev/null fi } # 开始执行前打印开始信息 start_log() { local cur_date="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" new_echo "INFO" "Start time:${cur_date}" log "INFO" "Start time:${cur_date}" log "INFO" "LogFile:${logfile}" log "INFO" "InputParams:--${RUN_CMD}" } # 退出时打印结束日志 exit_log() { local cur_date="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" new_echo "INFO" "End time:${cur_date}" log "INFO" "End time:${cur_date}" exit "$1" } # 打印操作日志 log_operation() { local cur_date="$(date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" if [ ! -f "${OPERATION_LOG_FILE}" ]; then touch "${OPERATION_LOG_FILE}" chmod 640 "${OPERATION_LOG_FILE}" fi echo "${RUN_CMD_TYPE} ${LEVEL} ${RUN_USERNAME} ${cur_date} ${HOST} compiler $2 installmode=${RUN_CMD}; cmdlist=--${RUN_CMD}" >> "${OPERATION_LOG_FILE}" } ############### 错误函数 ############### # 不支持的参数 err_no0x0004() { log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0004;ERR_DES: Unrecognized parameters: $1" exit_log 1 } # 文件没有找到 err_no0x0080() { log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0080;ERR_DES:This file or directory does not exist, $1" exit_log 1 } # 用户权限不足 err_no0x0093() { log "ERROR" "ERR_NO:0x0093;ERR_DES:Permission denied, $1" exit_log 1 } ############### 环境适配函数 ############### chmod_start() { chmod -R 750 "$install_path_param" } ############### 检验函数 ############### # 用户权限认证 user_auth() { local dir_user_id=$(stat -c "%u" "$install_path_param") local run_user_id=$(id -u) if [ "${run_user_id}" -ne 0 ]; then if [ "${run_user_id}" -ne "${dir_user_id}" ]; then err_no0x0093 "Current user is not supported to ${RUN_CMD} the compiler package" fi fi } get_install_param() { local _key="$1" local _file="$2" local _param="" if [ ! -f "${_file}" ]; then exit 1 fi local install_info_key_array="Compiler_Install_Type Compiler_Feature_Type Compiler_UserName Compiler_UserGroup Compiler_Install_Path_Param Compiler_Arch_Linux_Path Compiler_Hetero_Arch_Flag" for key_param in ${install_info_key_array}; do if [ "${key_param}" = "${_key}" ]; then _param=$(grep -i "${_key}=" "${_file}" | cut -d"=" -f2-) break fi done echo "${_param}" } hetero_arch=$(get_install_param "Compiler_Hetero_Arch_Flag" "${ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_FILE}") export hetero_arch get_version_dir "version_dir" "$version_info_file" get_pkg_install_path_param() { if [ -n "$version_dir" ] && [ "$hetero_arch" != "y" ]; then realpath "$install_path_param/../.." else realpath "$install_path_param/.." fi } get_install_top_path() { local pkg_install_path_param="$(get_pkg_install_path_param)" if [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then if [ -n "$version_dir" ]; then realpath "$pkg_install_path_param/../../../.." else realpath "$pkg_install_path_param/../../.." fi else realpath "$pkg_install_path_param/.." fi } save_user_files_to_log() { if [ "$1" = "$install_path_param" ] && [ -s "$1" ]; then local filenum=$(ls -lR "$1"|grep "^-"|wc -l) local dirnum=$(ls -lR "$1"|grep "^d"|wc -l) local totalnum=$(expr "${filenum}" + "${dirnum}") if [ "$totalnum" -eq 2 ]; then if [ -f "${version_info_file}" ] && [ -f "${ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_FILE}" ]; then return 0 fi fi if [ "$totalnum" -eq 1 ]; then if [ -f "${version_info_file}" ] || [ -f "${ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_FILE}" ]; then return 0 fi fi log "INFO" "Some files generated by user are not cleared, if necessary, manually clear them, get details in $logfile" fi if [ -s "$1" ]; then for file in $(ls -a "$1"); do if [ -d "$1/$file" -a ! -L "$1/$file" ]; then if [ "$file" != '.' ] && [ "$file" != '..' ]; then echo "$1/$file" >> "$logfile" save_user_files_to_log "$1/$file" fi else echo "$1/$file" >> "$logfile" fi done fi } ############### 执行函数 ############### uninstall_run() { user_auth chmod_start local num=0 local operation="${RUN_CMD_TYPE}" local compiler_install_path_param="$(get_pkg_install_path_param)" local install_top_path="$(get_install_top_path)" if [ -f "$ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_FILE" ]; then local compiler_install_type=$(get_install_param "Compiler_Install_Type" "${ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_FILE}") elif [ -f "${ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_OLD_FILE}" ]; then num=$(grep -c -i compiler_install_path_param "${ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_OLD_FILE}") if [ "${num}" != "0" ]; then local compiler_install_type="$(grep -iw compiler_install_type "$ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_OLD_FILE" | cut -d"=" -f2-)" fi else err_no0x0080 "please complete ${ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_FILE} or ${ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_OLD_FILE}" fi if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then log "INFO" "${RUN_CMD} ${compiler_install_path_param} ${compiler_install_type}" bash "${UNINSTALL_SHELL}" "${RUN_CMD}" "${compiler_install_path_param}" "${compiler_install_type}" "${IS_QUIET}" "n" "" "y" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rm -f "${ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_FILE}" rm -f "${version_info_file}" if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -f "${ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_OLD_FILE}" ] && [ -w "${ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_OLD_FILE}" ] && [ "${num}" != "0" ]; then sed -i '/compiler_install_path_param=/Id' "${ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_OLD_FILE}" sed -i '/compiler_install_type=/Id' "${ASCEND_INSTALL_INFO_OLD_FILE}" fi if [ "$hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then remove_atc_fwkacllib_softlink "$compiler_install_path_param" else remove_atc_fwkacllib_softlink "$compiler_install_path_param/$version_dir" fi remove_dir_recursive "$install_top_path" "$install_path_param" new_echo "INFO" "Compiler package uninstalled successfully! Uninstallation takes effect immediately." log "INFO" "Compiler package uninstalled successfully! Uninstallation takes effect immediately." log_operation "${operation}" "succeeded" save_user_files_to_log "$install_path_param" save_user_files_to_log "$(dirname $install_path_param)/atc" save_user_files_to_log "$(dirname $install_path_param)/fwkacllib" else log "WARNING" "${operation}" "failed" log_operation "${operation}" "failed" exit_log 1 fi fi return $? } ############### 程序执行 ############### while true do case "$1" in --quiet) IS_QUIET="y" shift ;; --hetero-arch) in_hetero_arch="y" shift ;; *) if [ "x$1" != "x" ]; then err_no0x0004 "$1 . Only support '--quiet' and '--hetero-arch'." fi break ;; esac done if [ "$hetero_arch" != "y" ]; then arch_path="$(dirname "$install_path_param")/$arch_scripts_path_hetero/compiler/script/uninstall.sh" ret=0 if [ -f "$arch_path" ]; then sh "$arch_path" ret=$? elif [ "$in_hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then log "WARNING" "no hetero arch compiler package installed!" fi if [ "$in_hetero_arch" = "y" ]; then exit $ret fi fi # 输出执行开始日志 start_log # 验证此目录是否为空 is_dir_empty "$install_path_param" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # 执行卸载 uninstall_run else # 报错 err_no0x0080 "runfile is not installed on this device, uninstall failed" fi exit_log 0